Greennest© Foliage

Greennest Foliage is a autarkic, self-sustaining, energy producing hotel and restaurant concept for the Diemerbos in Amsterdam.

Food experience

Greennest Foliage is open daily for visitors to the park who want to eat and drink something as part of their use of the park. It is a restaurant concept where guests can pick their own herbs and vegetables in the garden and prepare them at the table itself or with the assistance of a host or hostess. The restaurant focusses on the experience of fresh ingredients, harvesting your own food, developed your own taste and creating a playful and educational experience for every age.

Glass house

The restaurant will be executed as an outdoor area of ​​3,700 m2 covered with a glass greenhouse. All the catering and food experience will be placed in this indoor/outdoor space. The glass house ensures a  year around comfortable outdoor experience in the moderate Dutch climate. The restaurant is approx. 250 m2 and is equipped with a terrace in and next to the covered outdoor area.


In addition to restaurant, a guest function will also be realized consisting of approx. 80-100 hotel rooms. The rooms are located in three stories. The hotel splits the covered outdoor space in two areas. A ‘busy’ part especially intended for children and activities in general, and a more tranquil for resting and enjoyment. Each room is double-sided and is opened up with an outside gallery, accessible by a lift. The rooms are equipped with a private balcony facing the tranquil part of the greenhouse. This allows guests to fully enjoy the green environment from their own space and perspective.


The green house is  used for the generation of electricity and the harvesting of heat. The intermediate climate extends the seasons of outdoor activities in the park, and the excessive heat is stored in large water tanks within the perimeter of the greenhouse. The intermediate climate of the greenhouse improves the performance of air based heat pumps in winter.  Organic waste of the restaurant is collected and used for energy and fertilization.



Project data


APB BV – SIGN – Shandra Chedi
Bob Stolker Vastgoed
3700 m2 outdoor, 2000 m2 hotel
