VSM – Solidaridad

Tjep involved oRb as architect for a fair trade market in aquaculture and horticulture in Khulna, Bangladesh. The complex is organized as a cooperation of local farmers, unique in this part of the world. The cooperation is supervised by the fair trade organization Solidaridad from the Netherlands.

The complex has a layout of a small village. The market hall as wel as all communal and social functions are on the center stage, with motorized traffic running around it for quick and easy access of all critical logistical relations in the trading area.

All technical and servicing facilities are grouped as a backdrop, which in the process acquired the name ‘tech-village’. This includes an ice-factory, separated cool storage for shrimps and other fish, and vegetables as well as dairy. The is a separate toilet block with extra facilities for women and pregnant women.

Marked with a multistory brick center building is a central pedestrian axis running from the entrance through the market towards the tech village. Along this central axis main pedestrian entrance to the market place is combined with meeting rooms, a lab, medical post, shops and info center for unbiased information for product improvement for all the farmers in the area.



project data

Client:                                   Solidarad
Gross surface terrain;        6400 m2
Gross surface building:     3000 m2
Status:                                  executed
Date:                                      2016


